What Does it Mean to be a NATE-Certified Technician?

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HVAC jobs are sensitive tasks that require relevant industry knowledge and expertise. As such, choosing the right expert to repair or maintain your unit can be a challenge, especially if you don’t know where to start. Luckily, we are here to help. Read this guide to learn more about NATE certification, the industry standard in HVAC expertise.

What Does it Mean to be a NATE-Certified Technician?

What is NATE?

NATE is an acronym for “North American Technician Excellence”. It’s a non-profit certification organization dedicated to setting standards in the HVAC industry. Since its founding in 1997, the organization has produced many exceptional NATE-Certified technicians with proven expertise across the HVAC industry.

The NATE Certification Process

NATE provides voluntary professional training to HVAC technicians. After training, each technician undergoes a series of written tests. These tests cover all areas of the HVAC industry and are designed to gauge individual ability to apply learned knowledge in real-life situations

The Benefits of Hiring a NATE Certified Technician

Being a NATE-certified technician requires a high level of commitment to following industry standards. The certification lasts only 5 years, meaning technicians must undergo a rigorous re-certification process at the end of each period to retain their status. This ensures their skills are up-to-date with the constantly evolving standards and practices in the HVAC industry.

These skills can be a great confidence boost for you when hiring a NATE-certified technician. You’ll be more at ease with the knowledge that you’re hiring someone who knows their way around any HVAC installation, maintenance, or repair task. Furthermore, you’ll be guaranteed that they can get the job done right the first time, thus matching your expectations.

We are NATE Certified

At Humphrey Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc., we are proud to have an exceptional team of NATE-certified technicians at your service. If you’re looking to hire qualified technicians to install, repair or maintain your HVAC system, give us a call today.